Sonntag, 25. April 2010

Great to turn 30!

Saturday I had a great time with my family. We were eating nearly all day: breakfast, brunch, cake & coffee and my favourite dish in the evening. Between cake/coffee and supper my sister and me went shopping in Hannover and had some ice-cream later. It was a very funny time as we started to take photos of every garment we tried at P&C. Now after checking the photos I know that I have to go again and buy everything I tried :o))))

On Sunday we drove to Baga to do a walk with her. We met Simone who asked me suddenly "Baga is very coloured, isn't she?" And I was wondering, "Huh? Baga is bleikvindótt (red silver dapple dun), she is always special coloured." but then I saw what she meant:

All my tack was also decorated with balloons and paper streamer and I had no chance just to go pick up my horse and ride like she and my tack was. But of course I did :o)

Baga was a little bit unhappy with the balloon on her head so I removed it soon. The next days I will try to get the colour out of her coat. Luckily the summer comes and she is losing her winter coat but maybe I will take water for help :o) Now I have to go to work. We'll see if anything's happening there... anyhow it was a wonderful birthday and I have not one bad feeling about getting 30. Quite the opposite: I feel better than ever before!

6 Kommentare:

  1. In diesem Sinne... Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

  2. hey how alles Gute zum Geburtstag liebe Sabine,hübsch bemaltes Pferd ;-)
    Gruß Martina

  3. Herzlichen Glückwunsch und alles Liebe zum Geburtstag!
    LG Antje

  4. Sabine, du hast die Luftballons nicht abgemacht? Die arme Baga :D!
    Aber unser Kunstwerk ist ja wirklich hübsch geworden und schön, dass du darüber lachen kannst ;)! Viel Spaß beim Putzen/ Waschen ^^ .

  5. Alles Gute nachträglich zum Geburtstag! :)
    Der Eintrag ist lustig, vor allem die Stelle mit Baga und ihrer neuen Deko. ;) Ich hoffe du hattest einen schönen Tag.

  6. Alles Gute zum Geburtstag :D

    Gruesse aus Island :)
