Sonntag, 20. September 2009

New family member

After all harm at beginning of this year (spring) something good happened in june. There were a foal born on Schanzenhof the 10.6.2009 which I liked from the photo and as I went to the Schanzenhof few days later the little girl went straight into my heart.
Actually Martina wanted to name her Gletta but I asked her to name her Dimma instead. We are not sure about her real colour but she seemed to be dark and I love the name Dimma (darkness) since many years but never had a dark horse to use the name. The origin of this name is a dog which I met in Iceland 2005. I really loved this dog and using her name is keeping her always in my mind. My regards to everybody in Iceland at this place ;o)
My plan was to buy a fourgaited LBI (note for Parelli-students) which I can use for ranch work but riding in tölt, too. But as I met Dimma, all plans had gone. She had to be my horse - nevermind which gaits she has! Accidentally (or just fortune) she is fourgaited. Using a lot of trot and gallop but also showing clear tölt.
At our first meeting (14.06.2009) we came in contact easily although her mother were very shy and always escaping. Of course Dimma followed her. But she was curious enough to check me from time to time.
It followed a long period of thinking, calculating and discussing and although I never winned the discussions and got a clear NO of my "government" I decided to buy Dimma. Actually we planned a holiday tour northwards and accidentally the day of the retourn journey should be the 15.09.2009 - the date of Dimmas foal show. But unfortunately Jens got injured on his shoulder so we canceled the plans and the free days. I was very sad not to be with Dimma on this date but luckily Dagmar went to the Schanzenhof and came back with pictures for me! The whole day I was nervous waiting for a call of Martina which marks Dimma got. The phone call arrived me in the evening as I were cleaning the stable.
Dimma got 7,8 for building, 8,0 for character and 8,0 for gaits, total: 7,96
Furthermore she became the winner of the show! Judicial decision in german: Feines Stutfohlen mit guter Ausstrahlung und geschmeidigen Bewegungen im Trab und Galopp bei deutlichen Töltansätzen in den Übergängen.
Try of a translation into english: Fine filly with good charisma and smooth movements in trot and gallop with clear Tölt-attemptions in the transitions.
Yesterday I went to the Scahnzenhof to congratulate my foal to the successful show and we found her sleeping on the ground. I also felt sleepy so I took the place beside and spend some wonderful time with her.

We enjoyed the time together but soon we got disturbed by her brothers and sisters:
v.l.n.r. Vör, Sabine, Brynja, Dimma, Paul
Now I have to work but maybe we can make a colour-quiz together in my next blog. I'll show you some details and you speculate about the colour. Good idea?

Sonntag, 13. September 2009


Our Trainer Klaus Neuhaus came on 4. position in Cutting at the European Championships and became German Champion! Congratulations!!!

In the meanwhile I was busy as a bee and taking photos at the breeding-show on Basselthof. There were 64 grown horses and some foals and youngsters. I still uploaded the pictures of few horses. You can find them here:

After it - on Friday morning - I had my first riding-lesson with Teresa. I still want to learn from Klaus but he is too far away for permant lessons so Teresa and me checked if we can find together. We had a lot of fun and Teresa find many things to correct :o) Anyhow we got a praise for our loose way of ride! Now we got some home work to do and I plan to have the next riding lesson in two weeks.

Since the last cutting clinic I trained Baga to carry her head down. It worked fine but before she is learning only to walk on the forehand I am now asking for more collection. I am very satisfied with our progress. This was the best year of all - regarding training success.
After the riding-lesson I went to the Basselthof again to take photos in the competitions of the OSI. Same on Saturday. But today I stay at home and work with the pictures from Wednesday until Saturday. A new work week starts tommorrow and there will be less time to care about the pictures. On Tuesday is a foal show on the Schanzenhof in the Lueneburg Heath and I am unspeakable sad that I can not be there to take photos of the foals. Anybody there who can do this for me?????? Antje? Dagmar?

Mittwoch, 9. September 2009

Never Before

Tonight I received an email about the actual Parelli Celebrations in USA.

It would be soooo great if I could see it. Instead of this I am on the Basselthof the rest of this week to take photos of the breeding show and competitions. Today Klaus and Patrick are competing at the European Championshipds in Working Cowhorse and Cutting. I'll keep my fingers crossed!

See you...

Montag, 7. September 2009

Last weekends

Sorry for the long news-break! I still owe you an overview from the shooting on 29.08. It was very versatile and funny:

Nice landscape

Jumping horse

and friends.

News from our stable: a new horse arrived. Welcome Blakkur (and Romy).
Baga is doing fine. I try to keep her well trained just in case for a further chance to work with cows this year :o) (Of course I would also train her otherwise.) Klaus and Patrick are competing at the European Championships in Cutting these days. Unfortunately I can not attend them but I wish them best of luck and success!!!!