Samstag, 6. Juni 2009

Having a lot of fun with "Follow the Rail"

Baga and me went on with the Follow the Rail pattern and yesterday I asked for Figure-8, Touch-it and the Weave-Pattern online. Everything was fine. At the moment Baga is doing so much Touch-it everywhere that I have to watch out that she is not sniffing the electric fence anytime!!! She was short before it one time.
Today Jens, his and my mother came for a visit. Jens took some great pictures of us. I'll share one picture with you and who likes can find more in the gallery:
Follow the Rail is the best what could happen to us at the moment. Riding canter bridleless is getting more and more normal to me.

6 Kommentare:

  1. Was ein geniales Bild! Immer wieder schön, ueber euer Fortkommen zu lesen und schöne Bilder, die Jens gemacht hat!!! Viele viele liebe Gruesse!

  2. P.s. Das Foto gehört doch als Poster an Deine Wand! :-)

  3. Echt schön zu sehen, wie viel Spass Du und Baga habt!! Super, dass Ihr einen Weg gefunden habt.


  4. Vielen Dank Euch beiden ;o) Ich freue mich besonders, dass auch Baga Spaß hat.

    @Sonja: Natürlich kommt das Foto an die Wand!

  5. Hei, wie gehts euch denn? Lange nichts mehr hier gelesen!
