Montag, 5. Juli 2010

Cow Work Sunday

We had a lot of fun yesterday but we didn't got a place in the ranking. It doesn't matters for me because I am satisfied with our performance and very delighted about Baga. She worked very good and gave her best. Unfortunately they didn't had "our" competition "Cutting" in their program. They only offered calf sorting, team penning, cattle penning and ranch sorting. We participated in calf sorting and cattle penning but both times we failed at the "punching". The goal was to punch the cattle into a pen but our cows always escaped ;o) I'm not disappointed about this because our cutting performance was fine and my main goal is to learn cutting and not punching!

Baga's leg is also very ok, she was not limping or showing any second that she has a problem. Quite the opposite! The gas pedal was working very good yesterday - only the brake was a little bit stuck from time to time :o)

That's why I decided on the fly to let Baga at the Seven-Gate-Ranch one week longer. Klaus has the Cowboy Week starting today and I will take part on it evenings. This day we start with a really cool happening: we fetch the cows by ourselves :o) We meet each other in Hannover with six horses (Baga is with them) and sort 12 cows out of a herd of 60. This sounds endless cool in my opinion. Real cowgirl work!!! I don't know yet if I will see Baga tommorrow but I know that she has a break on Wednesday evening ;o)

3 Kommentare:

  1. cool die Baga ;-)
    Gruß Martina

  2. Ja, bin auch echt stolz auf euch! Toll. Wenn Du mal in IS bist, kannst mich im Cutting unterrichten. Ich ueberleg schon lang, ob das nicht auch auf die Schafe anwendbar ist!? Frag doch mal Deine Leute :-) !?
    Liebste Gruesse!

  3. Huhu Süße!
    Das wäre ja toll und vor allem habt Ihr gleich die Schafe zum Üben vor Ort :o) Ich weiß auf jeden Fall, das manch einer es schon mit Schafen probiert hat! Das machen wir!!!!
    Liebste Grüße zurück!
