Freitag, 19. März 2010

My trip to Iceland

Anywhere in Great-BritainThe drive to Frankfurt and the flight were very easy and Ransý came to the airport of Keflavík to pick me up. Then we drove to Mánagrund to have a look at Skinfaxa (which is for sale like I have been told) and checked the riding-hall. Silla picked me up at Ransý's home and after having some coffee and "hestaspjall" we went home to Reykjavík. I met Silla's family and we had a great dinner and some more "hestaspjall" before going to bed. The next day we went to a farm near Borgarnesi to take photos of Sokkadís new home. Fortunately it is the same place where Sæla-Dís - her daughter from 2008 - lives. It was a nice place for getting some photos on my camera. Later at the same day we went to the horse stable to see the stallions of Silla's parents. Glófaxi and Völusteinn frá Kópavogi. The pictures weren't bad but Silla and her horse-trainer Árni decided to try it again the next day.
On Tuesday Silla and me went riding and it was very exciting to ride tölt again after so many years of trot. My performance was rather bad and I am sure my horse was lucky to get rid of me after the riding-tour. Now my plan is to study more about riding icelandic horses in future ;o) After the riding Silla had to work a little, so she throw me out of the car at the 66° North Shop. What a great idea! First I could not decide what I like, short time later I wanted to buy everything in the shop :o)
In the afternoon we went to Árni
again to have a look at the stallions. I got some good shots and we were especially excited about 4 years old Völusteinn who showed incredible movements and a lot of will to run!
The same words could describe another stallion we met the next day in Hárlaugsstöðum. His name is Lindi and he is born in 2007. It was a rainy day and the stallions were more curious then anything else but as we let them run you could see all the talent in them. We also looked at the herd of young or pregnant mares and there were also many beautiful ones. After taking some photos and getting totally wet we were invited to some skýr and coffee and we gladly accepted the invitation. Of course we had some hestaspjall but after few hours we had to say goodbye and drove to Ásmundarstöðum to meet Hekla. It went on raining so I had no fun taking more pictures so we just talked a little, looked at the horses (for example Loki - another son of Sokkadís) and later took a drink of mare's milk. It was a funny experience ;o) Further we also went to Selfoss and said hello to Mona but still being wet we wasn't relaxed enough to stay and went home rather early. As all pictures were taken suddenly the sun came out... It was still rather bright so Silla and me stopped at some places to take photos of icelandic landscape. You can say I have seen a lot of things and people in only three days so I am glad that I made this trip but maybe next time there should be more time. I'm sorry for everybody who have not been visited. Next time you'll be the first ;o)
I had a very good view over West Germany on the return flight. Nearly 30 minutes I could observe the earth from above. After a stopover at my friend and sister-in-law Annette I arrived my home around six o'clock in the afternoon. The next day I could not await to see Baga after sooooooooooo long time and she was obviously surprised to see me. To make an easy start from break to work I used the icelandic saddle and a briddle from anybody else. What a strange feeling to sit in this
saddle again - but it was comfortable ;o) Unfortunately Teresa is in holidays and I would love to get some riding lessons. Hm, no solution available at the moment. Now I have to quit to wrap up somebody's birthday gift and to carry it to the post office immediately. Later I will be in Buchholz to take photos at the sales-show there. It should be rainy the whole day but I'm thinking positive and give the weather a chance to be great for photos. After it I want to see Baga again and ride a small pattern. Have a nice day and keep on smiling! I do :o)

6 Kommentare:

  1. Danke für den schönen besuch ! ja nächstes mal machen wir auch einen ausritt zusammen im tölt :D Vieleicht sogar schon auf Loki und Sunneva.

  2. obwohl... jetzt hättest du was zum fotografieren.... landschafsmässig... Vulkanausbruch :P ein paar Tage länger mensch !

  3. Wow, the photos are beautiful and the landcapes look like painted pictures.
    How long do you stay in Iceland? It sounds short.

    Well, you have to wait 5 more days until Teresa ist back, it's not that long. :D

    I think we'll see soon, otherwise I wish you Happy Easter. :)

  4. @Hekla: Auja, nächstes Mal ein Töltausritt! Obwohl ich am liebsten ja noch dieses Jahr wiederkommen würde, und das ist bestimmt etwas knapp für Sunneva und Loki ;o) Wünsche Euch allen, dass der Vulkanausbruch keine Schäden nach sich zieht!

    @Hara: Schön Dich hier zu sehen :o) Ich war nur 3 Tage in Island, hat sich aber gelohnt. Mal sehen, wann Teresa nächste Woche Zeit für mich hat. Dir auch schöne Ostern, falls wir uns vorher nicht mehr sehen ;o)

  5. Ui, habe diesen Post irgendwie verpasst und erst heute gesehen! Schöne Bilder und Pferde und Erlebnisse! Aber wo hast Du denn erwaehnt, dass Skinfaxa zum verkauf steht? Gibt es aktuelle Fotos von ihr? *neugierigsei*
    Knús á þig.

  6. Huhu, leider habe ich keine Fotos von Skinfaxa, weil ich sie nur kurz im Stall sehen konnte. Ich hatte mir zwar ein weiteres Treffen mit Fotosession gewünscht, aber dem wurde nicht entsprochen. Ich denke mal, dass sie auf Ransý's Blog angeboten wird, wenn es akut wird, aber da ich dort nicht regelmäßig schaue, kriege ich es wohl auch nicht mit. Wenn ich das nächste Mal nach IS fahre, versuche ich erneut sie zu treffen. Wenn sie dann neue Besitzer hat, werden die sicher nichts dagegen haben, wenn ich sie fotografieren will ;o)

    Knús á þig.

    PS: Da ich ohne Euer Land nicht kann, plane ich vage einen neuen Kurztrip im September. Entweder wieder 3 Tage oder eine ganze Woche mit Jotti. Bei letzterem kommen wir definitiv zu dir!!!
