Sonntag, 21. Februar 2010


Hard to say what happened the days since my last blog. It happened a lot, that's a fact. My computer-time is short so I will only use few words, photos, videos or links to describe what's going on ;o)

Photo session at Hestagard, 06.02.2010

Monday the 15.2. we had carnival and I painted Baga for fun :o)

Later we were playing in the snow:

Walking at sunset on 18.3.

Yesterday we were fighting against claustrophobia:

Next weekend I'm having a wellness-weekend and the weekend after (6.-7.3.) we will hopefully work with cows and visit Dimma. On 14.3. I'll fly to Iceland and come back on 18.3. Any more news? Can you never get enough? Ok, on 20.3. I'm on Hestagard again to take photos of a sales-show. The weekend after I'm possibly at Circle-L to take photos of the competitions.
Addition: After my trip to Iceland I will spend some days in Switzerland working.

3 Kommentare:

  1. FREU MICH SCHON SO AUF DICH !!!!!!! :)))))

  2. Das sind ja viele Neuigkeiten.
    Schön Deine Bilder!
    Viel Spass auf Island!
    LG Antje

  3. @Hekla: Freue mich auch schon so auf Dich :o)

    @Antje: Vielen Dank!

    LG Bine
